Continuing to Support upgrading the quality of life in our neighborhoods with additional parks and increased public safety with consistent code enforcement. This also includes the development of a citizen’s code compliance officer and the expansion of community-based policing.
As your Mayor, I will continue to increase the Economic Development structure of the City, such as organizing a workable land bank, developing a City Committee that guides and monitors economic growth and instilling a proactive as well as reactive philosophy in all of our economic development activities to continue to move the Island forward.
Continue to work towards a master drainage plan for the Island, exploring all viable solutions and increasing emphasis on our street replacement and repair programs. State, Federal, Public/Private Partnerships, as well as Land Development Policies that can help mitigate flooding, are all part of the solution.
Continue to research and develop affordable housing in conjunction with public entities for infill development and the upgrading of current housing stock.
Develop a city-wide oversight and master plan for protecting the environmental aspects of our Island from the West End to the East End Lagoon. Having a master plan that guides progress is essential for protecting and utilizing our natural resources. Ecotourism is an untapped resource for our community, and how we use, protect, and promote our environment will benefit us for many years.
As your Mayor, I will continue to serve Galveston by building relationships and improving communication with all other entities that shape the economic forces on the island. With better communication, we will develop a strategy to support and benefit not just our economy but our entire community. When that happens, we all win.
As Mayor of Galveston, I will continue to upgrade the permitting and inspection process in the Building Department to make it as user-friendly and efficient as possible. Remodeling, new construction, or just a minor DIY project should not be a dreaded task when it comes to planning and permitting.
Increase rapport with the Port of Houston to expand the use of Pelican Island and promote the construction of a new bridge. With the majority of the available land on Pelican Island owned by the Port of Houston, an increased dialogue is essential to have this land be as supportive as possible from a job and revenue standpoint.