Craig Brown - Craig Brown for Mayor
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“Hi, I’m Mayor Craig Brown. I’m running for re-election because I want to continue to provide proven leadership and real progress for Galveston.”

Proven Leadership for Continued Progress

Like many of you who live in Galveston, l have a deep love and sense of responsibility for the Island. Before becoming your Mayor in 2020, I served on multiple City and Governmental Committees and Boards alongside great civic and community leaders. For decades, I have watched this community rise to meet all challenges. Over the past two years as your Mayor, I believe I have shown through my actions how a dedicated municipal government can create real solutions to the problems we face. If you honor me with re-election, I will continue to champion transparency, practical problem solving, and enhanced communication with our citizens and community leaders.


I still believe that proper leadership can only be accomplished by respecting each other’s views, and I will continue to create an atmosphere and culture that empowers the City to help rather than shutting down ideas or requests.


One of the things that I have always loved about Galveston is its diversity. It is not only apparent in our population but also in our outlook to future economic sustainability. Quality of life for our neighborhoods, managed growth of tourism, planned development of the port, a supportive atmosphere for business expansion, and an environmentally conscious attitude are still important factors in my continued efforts to provide the right balance for years to come.


Please feel free to contact me with any questions or suggestions, and if you feel, as I do, that we are on the right track, I would greatly appreciate your support in my re-election campaign.

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