City of Galveston
The City has been very busy preparing and managing activities due to the Coronavirus, as well as conducting regular business.
The following are just a few items that may be of interest:
Council approved a resolution asking the Governor to relax the requirements for early voting to expand voting by mail to anyone who would like to do so.
Council also approved moving the date of the May 2nd election to a future date. November 3rd is the most likely date but Council elected to leave the date open, for the time being, to be able to research other possible times.
Speed Limits on Seawall Boulevard, West of 61st and on FM 3005 have been changed to allow for lower speeds in some sections.
The City’s Finance Director presented to Council the 2019 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report , to view please CLICK HERE.
Last week the City issued Orders outlining the details concerning the closure of Short Term Rentals, Hotels, Motels, Bed and Breakfasts and RV Parks. To view more specifics please CLICK HERE.
And, last Sunday the City closed all beaches, including the Seawall Beaches but walking and cycling on the sidewalk is still allowed.